Title :
Multilingualism represents an opportunity and not an obstacle: the case of Guatemala


Designer: 大類和久 [Kazuhisa Orui (TAKI CORPORATION)], 北村 淳 [Jun Kitamura]
Photographer: 鎌田憲幸 [Kenko Kamada (NCP)]
CG: 阿部宏介 [Kosuke Abe (NCP)]

Designer: 北村 淳 [Jun Kitamura]
Illustrator: 北村 淳 [Jun Kitamura]

Theme :

Multilingualism of Guatemala

Concept :

(from Planner)
Multilingualism is part of the cultural heritage of many peoples and nations. In the case of Guatemala, currently, 24 languages are spoken throughout the country. Despite the linguistic and cultural richness found in the country, its language policy has tended to be monolingual since the conquistadores subjugated the indigenous inhabitants of the Guatemalan territory. Indeed, the Spanish language, as a lingua franca, has occupied an important place and role in the educational, economical and political realms of the country, thus relegating the indigenous languages.
The proposal of the present work is that, in effect, a multilingual policy in Guatemala would not only be fair, but also necessary for the country’s social, political and economic development. Multilingualism represents a way of experiencing and encountering a different Cosmo Vision. It also offers many advantages for the learner and for society as a whole. The inclusion of all Guatemalans in the construction of the country is of vital importance, hence the precious opportunity that multilingualism offers as a bridge to social cohesion and unity.

(from Director)


